I tried several of the different search sites to find blogs. Feedster was not working at all. Google Blog Search was pretty good. It gave me a large list of blogs related to my search and was easy to use. For some reason a couple of sites wouldn't let me subscribe to their feed though. I also am doing this "Thing" from school and have run into several things that got blocked by the school. I know when I tried to go to my blog the first time, I had to authenticate so it would let me go to the site. Students wouldn't be able to do that so it would be a problem for them to view any blog.
I also used Technorati to search for blogs. I didn't like this as much. The list of blogs I would get would be very short (like 1-3 listings) and not as relevant. I probably wouldn't use this one again. Syndic8.com was alright. Not as user friendly as Google Blog Search though. It was a little hard to figure out what you were looking at when your search list appeared. There were things listed that said they were "awaiting repair" and such.
From all these sites, I was able to find some blogs with tutorials that I might be able to use in my classroom. I like using these searches because you can't really type a topic into regular google and get blog results most of the time.
That's great you are doing some of this from school! I knew some of these sites would be blocked. Of course more will be blocked for students than teachers but maybe that will change eventually.