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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed the class. I was able to explore some new things that I don't think I would have tried otherwise. Some of my favorite things were finding sites like Flickr and Creative Commons that have materials that my students can access and use in class. This has effected my lifelong learning by motivating me to check out some of these sites more and learn better ways to use new technology in my classroom. I was surprised that I hadn't heard or used a few of these sites. I am fairly up to date with technology but some of these things were new to me and I'm glad I got the chance to experience them. I don't think there's a lot I would change about this class. There were a few too many things relating to libraries though. I know that's where this was based from but we don't use the library in my classes and therefor it's not as important for me to explore. I would definitely take another class like this if it was offered. I loved that it was online and self paced. I will definetly use some of the sites and things I learned in my classes next years. There were some good reasources and I'm thankful I got to explore them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the feedback! It was a real struggle for me as to what to include and delete as I converted it from a course for librarians to classroom teachers. I am going to make changes based on your feedback before offering it for the Fall. I loved your insight and I have learned from you as well.
