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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thing #21

Podcasts are another really neat option found online. They are a great way to have a "guest speaker" in you room that you would normally not have access to. In the past, I've made a podcast during a mac training session and it was fairly easy to do. I have used iTunes to find podcasts before. Today I also looked at the Educational Podcast Network and was able to find a few podcasts that might be nice to use in my classroom. I found several in particular about career education that I could use for my co-op classes. I will definitely check back to some of these sites when I'm preparing for lessons this year.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I was thinking that teachers might like to use podcasts for students who are absent. A student could record the lesson and post it on your wiki. Or you could post it on your wiki. Either way when someone is absent or a student needs to review something they know they can go to the podcasts.
